Thursday, March 5

To be or not to be?

I went to the doctor yesterday. If anything, I'm even more pregnant than I was at my last appointment. Shiloh does not want to come out. This could be a very interesting experience over the next few weeks. I'm hoping that she'll come before too much longer as we've already got plans to bless this child on the 29th. (Yes, I realize that's my actual due date, thank you very much.) I'd feel bad if that couldn't happen because I'm still pregnant when family has already made arrangements to be here then. I did get the "you can have the baby any time now" clearance yesterday from my doctor. But, she said that if I want her to deliver the baby, then I have to wait until after the weekend since she'll be in Atlanta on fri, sat, and sun. One of these days, maybe Shiloh will decide it really is okay to come out and meet everyone…Oi!

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