Wednesday night was our New Beginnings Program. (Every year with the youth we kick off the new year by introducing the theme and also welcome the girls who has turned 12 or will turn 12 in the coming year and then also talk about all the cool things coming up in the coming months.) This years theme was the 13th Article of Faith. I was inspired by all the qualities that are listed and that we aspiring to be in our lives. They reminded me of super qualities. Character traits that our heroes have. So, this became our theme for the evening.
As we were putting together the details for the evening, I really wanted to combine the Young Women values with the qualities from the Article of Faith. And as I did some digging, I found this booklet about scripture super heroes. And it gave me a jumping off point for what I created for my girls. I made my own booklet with scripture heroines that exemplified each of the eight values and the qualities from the theme.
For the program this year, we talked about the women of the scriptures and each of us as leaders took a few values to talk about. For instance, I talked about Good Works: Tabitha, Virtue: Mary the mother of Jesus, and then the ultimate super hero, Jesus Christ. Then one of our girls, Tiffinique (I love her name btw.) sang Hero by Mariah Carey. It was awesome! Then, one of the bishopric members, Dave Chance, said a few words and we closed and had refreshments.
For decorations, I made buntings that said We Believe for the area behind where we spoke and then above the food table. I had shields that I printed off that had each value and color on them. We hung those from the ceiling around the room. I made a cake with a super girl busting out of the top of it. And, for the girls, we made booklets for each of them and put them in clear gift bags with a card that had the theme on it, a bracelet that had the words we believe on it and a box that we made and put a shield shaped cookie in. Check out the pics...
2 weeks ago