Okay, so about a month (maybe two) ago, I was thumbing through a Rachael Ray magazine. She has a few pages in there with pictures of her faves. I love looking at them and getting inspiration for my own wardrobe and life, however, I can rarely afford them and/or the prices shock me and I think I could make that myself!
So, like I said, i was thumbing through and I came across this cute necklace called The Trinity. But it's $128 for three pearls on a leather strap and I think to myself: I could absolutely make that myself!!! And I go to the website listed in the magazine. Allison Craft Designs
I found out that she actually has a lot of her stuff in shops on the beach about 30 minutes from here. So, just looking at these beautiful pieces made me want my own, but not at those prices! Are you kidding me? So, that's what I did. I made my own. I didn't even go to the store for this one. I had everything on hand. (Yes, I'm a craft hoarder.) I didn't use leather because it comes in short supply here locally. I used hemp instead. What do you think?
These are just the photos of a few of the creations that were spawned from viewing her website. The necklace isn't for sale on line, but it is in the slide-show at the top of the page. I made the trinity and the strands, but I haven't taken any photos of them yet. I think I'm going to make some more in different colors. I had a ton of these green bead leftover from a previous project and so I picked them for my experiment. Really all this jewelry boils down to is knots, leather or in this case hemp, and beads or pearls...
2 weeks ago